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Trade like a Pro
Even on the Go

Option Stalker’s indicators, trade signals, searches and charts were designed for our system. We’ve packed all of the essentials into an easy to use mobile application.

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Option Stalker Is Powerful and Efficient

Follow the dots. When they’re all green, momentum is strong.

Trade Signals

Our 1OP and 1OSI proprietary indicators generate trade signals when they agree.


Quickly find the best stocks using our favorite searches.

Custom Scanners

Create powerful scanners with our extensive list of unique variables.


Track your favorite stocks using our trade signals and indicators.


View live charts with our proprietary indicators and trade arrows.

Real Time Data

Live quotes from two exchanges provided by Intrinio.

We've Made It Easy

Here's how you use Option Stalker

Step 1. Market First - Wait For the Signals

Our SPY trade signals are always in sight. Day traders should wait for the first three time frames to agree and swing traders should wait for the last three time frames to agree. More is better and when they all agree we call that a “Royal Flush”. It’s a sign that the market is in a strong trend. You can trade S&P 500 futures or SPY options, but there is a huge advantage to trading stocks. We discuss this “edge” throughout our website.

Bull Put Spread Custom Scan

Step 2. Quickly Find Strong Stocks

When the SPY trade signals are green, use our favorite searches to find the best stocks. PopBull is one example. It finds compression breakouts on heavy volume and it is our most popular swing search. Option Stalker includes our favorite swing searches and day trading searches and each has a bearish counterpart for shorting. BullRun and RedHot find intraday momentum, relative strength and heavy volume. Your odds of success will be the highest when both the SPY and the stock have “Royal Flushes”.

Bull Put Spread Custom Scan

Step 3. Create Powerful Custom Scanners

Option Stalker includes the same powerful search engine found in Option Stalker Pro. You won’t find these search variables anywhere else. Search for trendline breaches, compression breakouts, momentum, heavy volume, trade signals, liquid options and relative strength across all time frames. Name and save your favorite searches and categorize them (day/swing, bull/bear) so that you can find them easily. When you view the results, look for the green dots.

Bull Put Spread Custom Scan

Step 4. Look For These Chart Patterns

Our real-time charts include buy and sell arrows and three proprietary indicators: 1OP, 1OSI and 1OVol. Long-term technical breakouts on heavy volume provide the best backdrop for day trades and swing trades. A blue ring around the dot is a sign of heavy volume for that time frame. Nice tight, orderly price action, long-term up trends and lots of green dots will increase your probability of success. To learn more about 1OP and 1OSI, please click here.

Bull Put Spread Custom Scan

Give Your Trading A Boost

The Essence of OS Pro

Option Stalker is built with the essentials of Option Stalker Pro, equipping you with what you need to get on the right side of the market.

Tools Built For A System

The suite of tools have been crafted and selected to support you in trading a specific trading system: relative strength and weakness.

Unparalleled Search Ability

Option Stalker preconfigured scanners and the custom scann builder help you find trades with speed and accuracy.

Web Based & Mobile

The platform can be used anywhere: desktop, tablet, and mobile - so you can trade and prepare for trades.

How it Works

Daily Bulletin

Start each day with market comments from our founder. Use these to guide your trading decisions.

SPY Header & Navigation

The first thing you will notice is the SPY header. As we say at OneOption, Market First! In Option Stalker, we’ve built this tenet into the application. No matter where you are or what you are doing, you will always have a view of the market: Green = Buy Signal, Red = Sell Signal, Blue Ring = Heavy Volume.

Move through different areas of Option Stalker with the bottom navigation: Charts, Search, Lists, and even Chat for those with an OS+Chat or Pro subscription.

Let's explore each of these.

Lists & Preconfigured Scanners

At the heart of Option Stalker are Lists, with the first section dedicated to OneOption’s preconfigured scanners. These are built using a collection of indicators, including OneOption's proprietary 1OP indicator and trade signals. Form your market bias with the SPY trade signals in the SPY header, then display relevant scanners using the more icon in the upper right. As we can see from the SPY header, the market is strong. Let’s find stocks with relative strength.

With a type selected, the list of OneOption scanners appears. Each are the result of years of research and testing and have been carefully selected for their inclusion Option Stalker. Continue on to view the results of one...

Scanner Example: PopBull

Here are the results of one favorite Swing scanner: PopBull. You can toggle Option Liquidity to refine lists further for stocks with high volume. Along with symbol names and price data, OneOption trade signals indicate stock strength or weakness for each timeframe. Click on any of the trade signals to view the chart.

Let's explore how to use charts & indicators to perfrom technical analysis and evaluate relative strength or weakness on Option Stalker.

Charts & Indicators

Charts are fed with IEX and BATS data by Intrinio. OneOption trade signals are in the upper right. These are also your timeframe selectors. The primary and secondary chart areas display price action and indicators. Swipe to alternate between OneOption's 1OP indicator and 1OSI & 1OVol.

Perform technical analysis with both line and candlestick charts. If your criteria are met, add the symbol to a watchlist. When finished, use the arrow to proceed to the next symbol in the list.

Custom Scanner

Filter stocks with unlimited variable combinations using Option Stalker's custom search engine. Click the plus to create a new search. We will search stocks with a bullish trade signal, strength vs SPY, and heavy volume to match the SPY header above.

Display the search results and click each symbol to analyze charts and save to watchlists as before. Clicking Lists in navigation returns you to your previously viewed search, list or scan. A second click takes you back to List Home.

Chat & Professional Community

Find additional picks in our Chat. Users with OS+Chat or Pro subscriptions will find the Chat Room conveniently accessible inside Option Stalker. Our community is close and wants you to succeed. Learn from them, especially the Featured Traders in red.

For settings and other useful features, review the application Menu.


Option Stalker is designed for active stock and options traders. Quickly get your market bearings with our analysis and trade signals and find the best stocks using our powerful search engine. That is our goal.

We didn’t cram a thousand features into a tiny screen; your broker has already done that. We kept our interface clean so that you can focus on the most important aspects of your next trade. This guide will show you how to use Option Stalker.

OneOption and the guidance from the core team in the Chat Room have completely changed my trading style and winning rate. I was lost in a pile of hay looking for the saving straw. Tried many indicators and strategies before and nothing worked on a consistent basis. OneOption was that saving straw for me. It makes so much sense to trade RS/RW stocks.

Trading is not easy. If anything it’s easy to lose money trading but with the knowledge gained from Pete and the team I feel that I’m on the right path. Thank you Pete, Hari, Moo, DaveW, Professor and traders that share your knowledge! 

When I found OneOption, I was at a point in my trading career where I was making money but it wasn’t consistent or predictable enough for me to be able to sleep at night knowing I had found a career in it. Over the last nine months, that has changed. OneOption has taken me to the next level and now I am consistently profitable and I can see this as being a lifelong career for me. OneOption has everything one may need.

From the amazing Option Stalker Pro program to the professional traders in the chat room who are willing to take time out of their day to help answer questions and guide anyone on the path to success. If I could only pay for one service it would be OneOption by a long shot. Everyone in this community has essentially changed my life by showing me the right path to success, and I couldn’t be more grateful. 

OneOption is a treasure trove of no-bullshit trading knowledge. While there are no shortcuts to becoming a full time trader, the info taught by Pete and the OneOption chat room can make that journey significantly easier. I am only 6 months into my trading journey, and in that time Pete and the OneOption community have shown me that being a day trader isn’t just a day dream. It is something that I can and will achieve.

I’ve actually started trading and OneOption was my first “real chatroom” and I’m gonna say it’s the best thing I could have found as my starting point. The knowledge and research I’m getting from Pete and other professional daytraders is priceless. This just feels like cheating, I trade with people who are in this business longer than I’ve been alive. There would be a lot of meaningless mistakes that I would’ve made as a new trader, but thank’s to OneOption and the systematic approach we use I didn’t need to make those mistakes, and I’ve saved a lot of money. Pete is the best teacher I’ve ever seen.

Before I came to 1OP my recorded w/r averaged 50% with a PF of .9. During my membership, I still have doubts it was even possible to have a 75% w/r. Because that’s basically getting 1 loss for every 3 wins. In order to do that, EVERY pick has to be methodically correct with the correct interpretation of the market. After 4-5 months of constant attendance in OneOption, not only do I see 75% wr within reach, I can see myself going even higher.

If you are serious about trading the right way, just show up for yourself and start improving with OneOption. Thank you to everyone participating in chat every day.

Option Stalker Pro is an amazing scanning tool, but it’s so much more than that. The OneOption community makes you a better trader if you put the work in. How does this make you a better trader you ask. You can watch pro traders make a trade in real time. This isn’t about following them into the trade, but looking at the charts as to why they took that trade, how they found the trade, what on the chart made them exit.

The other amazing thing about OneOption is the numerous scan options and the ability to make your own custom scan. I have learned more here in the first month than I have done in other communities. This process works, but it takes time to learn it. I can’t recommend this product any more!

It definitely takes time and hard work to become consistently profitable in this business. Having Pete, a professional trader as my mentor is the best decision I ever made in my trading career. His market insights and his systematic approach help me improve my trading tremendously. In addition, there are great pro traders in this community that are always ready to help. I am so glad I found Pete.

OneOption got me straight to the point of an actionable edge that could be learned by any non-novice trader with commitment and an open mind. For people with ambitions to daytrade professionally, the level of strategy, market awareness, and personal-psychological mastery on display by the leaders of our community is exactly what makes the light bulb go off inside you. “Do I want to be like every other blown-up retail trader or do I want to be different?”

I started trading with forex over 12 years ago, and have attended so many courses and read so many books I could easily repackage it all into a plausible course to sell on YouTube for $159/month. I was even fortunate to have exposure to trading on a gold dealing desk in a small fund and later a personal mentorship under a great trader where I learned macro risk flows theory, market structure, and had my first sight of the psychological mastery required to operate a large scale book.

Yet still, without a community to be a part of, I fell out of touch with the process after some setbacks. That’s why today after finally finding consistency and stability in my trading with this 1OP methodology, I am so committed to the community and the stable growth and steady progress of my teammates. There are so many days that the ideas I bring to the market open don’t work out, but within seconds I am presented with a whole slew of amazing trading ideas from teammates that I can quickly vet and take action on.

The actual methodology of OneOption is timeless, ideas of relative strength/weakness, relative volume, and multi-timeframe confluence are actually criteria for A+ setups in the very best trading firms, and for us it is the minimum criteria to take a trade. I have done in-depth periods of trading as long-term options volume seller, commodities pairs trader, forex scalper, 0dte SPX credit spreads & flies, weekly directional options… and none has the consistency, capital efficiency, and performance of our OneOption A+ setup.

More importantly is that we see professionals using THIS AND ONLY THIS to make a steady living of financial freedom every day/week/month so it is the community that finally stopped my never-ending search for the next magic bullet. 

Pete and the OneOption system, including the Option Stalker platform elevated my trading to the next level. Before OneOption, I was a decent trader, but inconsistent. While my overall P&L was profitable one look at the wild swings told me that eventually, it would go red.

Pete’s method and resources (1OP indicator in particular) focused my trading and immediately started paying dividends. Profits were reliable month after month, and I was quickly equipped with a strategy that would work in any trading environment.  

Since joining OneOption I have not had a single month in the red, and do not foresee one in the future. During my time here I have worked with Pete, who is always working to improve his method and platform, in helping refine the offering.  

I give this community, especially the trading chat room, my highest possible recommendation. In a space filled with scams and amateurs, Pete has created a place where traders can actually learn a trade and get closer to that ultimate goal of financial independence. 

Even though I have years of investing and trading experience, I have found that the OneOption education and community has helped my trading immensely. The trading strategies here, the “edge” that is taught, as well as the level of professionalism and camaraderie in the Chat Room is amazing…and not something that you can easily find or expect in a trading community.

OneOption has given me the framework and the foundation to truly begin my trading journey. I stumbled around with different strategies from August to December 2021. Once I committed to embracing OneOption and the strategy taught (January 2022), I believe the steep learning curve of day trading has been lessened.

The strategy and software are proven and utilized by the pro traders here every day. It has allowed me to focus on improving my bad habits and trading psychology issues instead of drowning in the sea of “strategies” out there. I am nowhere near where I’d like to be, but it’s been a blessing to find OneOption and the group of traders that contribute to it. I HIGHLY recommend. 

The OneOption trading chat is home to some of the top, most profitable day- and swing traders in the world. Some of them (Pete included) have decades of experience, and OneOption is their daily office. Working with Pete and the OneOption traders has transformed my trading. If you’re looking for a professional, work-focused environment to take you to the next level, or want to learn to trade from the best, there is no place I recommend more.

OneOption has opened my eyes to relative strength/relative weakness edge. The chat room is invaluable by providing a like-minded trading community who is all on the same page. Not only is it a great source of trade ideas that conform to my trading plan, but Pete and the featured traders offer an enormous amount of rich education that is the number one reason I have turned consistently profitable.

After trading for 2 and a half years, and paying a lot of money for my ‘education’ with little or no returns, I was recommended to the OneOption community. The premise is so simple, yet massively overlooked – Market First, Relative Strength / Weakness stocks to the market.

Since joining, I’ve only had red days when I’ve strayed from the strategy, it’s kept me honest and I love the all-business approach in the chat room – no floating of random ideas, no idol chit-chat. Just traders discussing trades that relate to the core premise.

A wealth of information on the website and on the wiki. The Option Stalker Pro software with the signals it produces can provide a massive edge in guiding a trader into trades – or even avoiding bad trades. I only wish I found this community 2 years ago and I could have saved a ton of money.

After spending several years casually trading, I found OneOption in the summer of 2021. Since joining this incredible group, I have learned more in six months with Pete than in my entire trading career. In a sea of gamblers and misinformation, Pete has built a community that cuts out the BS to provide some of the best insight into market conditions and strategies.

This group has helped me remove the get-rich-quick mentality, and has provided a comprehensive toolset to become a consistently profitable trader with realistic expectations. The common theme here of risk management and consistency is a breath of fresh air in the trading world, and I have this community to thank for my progress.


Option Stalker is our mobile solution for active traders. Create watch lists and custom scanners or use our favorite searches. Our trade signals are displayed across multiple time frames and real-time charts are only a click away. Option Stalker does not include the chat room, but you can add it and save money when you purchase both products. When bundled, the chat room is beautifully integrated with our mobile-friendly web app. Visit the Pricing Page to learn more about Option Stalker and how it compares to our other products.


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Frequently Asked Questions

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View all FAQs

Option Stalker offers the best elements from Option Stalker Pro in a mobile app. It includes our indicators, favorite searches, trade signals and charts with real-time data (not all exchanges). You can create your own custom searches and watchlists. When the SPY signals agree across multiple time frames and the stock signals agree across those time frames, you have the makings for a great trade. Option Stalker does NOT include the chat room, it must be purchased separately. Learn more about how the features compare on our Pricing Page.

If you are an active trader, we suggest going with our flagship product Option Stalker Pro. It is our desktop platform and the subscription includes the chat room and Option Stalker. Though there are simply too many additional features to list here, you can learn about all of them on the Option Stalker Pro product page.

The chat room is a separate subscription, but we do offer a bundled product with Option Stalker and the chat room. You will save money by purchasing them together.

Yes. There is are online manuals for Option Stalker and Option Stalker Pro. The Option Stalker Pro manual is very complete and we suggest that Option Stalker members refer to it for information on the searches and the search variables we offer.

The bid/ask is accurate and very close to the NBBO, but the last price may not match other data sources because the trade might have occurred on another exchange. Volume is also not accurate in terms of an absolute value because the data does not include all exchanges, but we have found that the percentage above and below normal is fairly accurate and that is why we graph volume in those terms. For our purposes, the data source works well. Before placing a trade, we urge you to check the prices and charts with your online broker when placing trades.

Most people believe that data is free. In fact, it is incredibly expensive and tightly regulated. We feel that our data solution works for our application. It allows us to keep our product prices low and it reduces the amount of paperwork required. Your broker offers real-time NBBO data and we suggest confirming the prices and charts when you enter your orders.

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